ok - for the sake of Wenchy
and not to be accused of doing a Nick - God Forbid
Well his first section was about his childhood to put in context some of his emotional immaturity which is one of her accusations.
He then went on to explain why he marriage failed in extreme honesty and why he felt this woman was different to his ex wife. Also apparently another area he had been asked to explain.
He had to justify his decision on why he didn't want any more kids - he already has a son - as she still wants a child even though she is in her mid forties -
He had to clarify what 'love ' meant to him - I was reaching for the bucket at this point ( obviously green with envy
And then what he planned to do with the rest of his life - (a) if he was with her (b) if he wasn't - again criteria she had specified.
He then had to do a sumamry of his objectives
Cruel cruel cruel
FFFing funny to read though