Serious question.
My web site has been invaded by the DREADED
RED X Why?
Was fine when the piccies were loaded a few hours ago.
If anyone in here would like to see the new business web site I've been constructing, with a great deal of help and advice from my 14 yr old son, as well as you lot...for which I thank you all for your patience and humour....then let me know, and I'll pm the link to you.
respect, that as previously mentioned, i very sadly don't think it wise to publicise it on here openly, as it has contact details/email address etc., and I do value what little bit of sanity and privacy i have left.
I'm sure you understand where I'm comin' from and hope no one is insulted with my plea.
Just how sad is THAT ey? Worried about the possible malicious actions of just one or two people who have in the past tried to make my life a bloody misery...with near success.
I would like to share it with you after all my witterings over the past couple of weeks, and p'raps receive a bit of constuctive critisism, further help and or............... praise even?