Then you don't live in a village of 2400 people in North Wales.

The village website, which covers everything about this village including where to eat/drink, what to visit, ALL business telephone numbers and addresses (grouped by category), Info about schools, churches, attractions, events etc gets fewer than 1000 hits a year and over 50% of those do not last more than 20 seconds. Remember that this is an historic village, in a known holiday destination, through which thousands of vehicles bearing holiday makers/weekenders etc drive every week. We are two miles from miles of sandy beaches, within 25 minutes of Snowdonia and 30 Minutes from Anglesey. There is a large Night Club and leisure centre here plus four pubs and of course our famous waterfalls. The village is mentioned in the Domesday Book and the castle was captured from the English by the Welsh. The Bible was translated into Welsh in this village. You would honestly think that perhaps a few more people might have a look at us.