Right. I've done a search on that link you kindly forwarded to me, and there is a name I could use that's suitable, that I can have for 7 squiddlies for 2 years.
So, I register it and pay, but then I have to buy some software package to develop a site, yes?
Where do I get this package, and roughly how much do they cost?
More to the point though, just how easy are they to use, and do I need to know all about these very complicated looking htpl codes or whatever they are called thingies, cus if that's the case I'm terminally stuffed.
We are talking about a total and utter useless I.T. git here you know.
I don't want to go to all the expense of purchasing a domain name, and then some software, only to find I can't use it due to total and complete impatient ignorance.