This bloody board is getting more like Auntie Sobs problem page every day.
I am getting to be fully occupied just watching for the next episode of calamitous developments.
But it is nice to see Nick playing such a full part in the technology departments Bravo Nick.
Yes! Go for option 3. There are countless ways to buy a domain and you don't have to rent the space from the same firm.
There are places that do commercial sites for next to nothing, I use a US west coast company for mine, everything I need 2Gb of space unlimited POP mailboxes and traffic for $24 per two years.
I can point any web address to it and use any software to upload (including Front Page extensions).
I started from scratch, knowing nothing about web sites and got everything working in about a week. but a tip: Remember that all the links and pages and things are case-sensitive. it took me days to work that out, and that .htm is NOT the same as .html