Parky is right, of course, Jade Goody was not Princess Di ~ because Jade didn't marry The Prince of Wales ~ in many other respects they were very much alike.
Both slept around and made no secret of it. Both were, IMHO, ugly (in different ways but ugly nevertheless). Both manipulated the media for their own ends and both tried to make amends by (i) blaming other people and (ii) trying to make themselves look good, caring and compassionate toward the end. Both met an entirely predictable fate with just the right amount of "Ah" factor to ensure the controversy they actively courted in life continued long after they were dead......
PS I would not consider a poor sports journalist and indifferent talk show host a leg end, just because he happened to be in at the start of Breakfast TV, without which we would have been spared many years of his droning Yorkshire chip on the shoulder drivel..