I am not at my best first thing in the morning, therefore I have a routine.
Before going to bed at night I ensure that The Boy's school uniform is ready. This prevents ghastly sock hunts in the monring.
At 7.30 I get up and proceed downstairs. I turn the compooter on en route.
7.35: Coffee and a fag.
7.40: Make sure the Boy's breakfast is ready and ensure that his school bag contains the necessary stuff (lunch money, music, PE kit, homework etc.)
7.45 Proceed in direction of shower. Ensure that Mrs Nick and The Boy are awake
7.55 emerge from shower and get dressed.
8.00 Wake Mrs Nick andn The Boy AGAIN
8.20 Yell to Mrs Nick and The Boy that it's nearly 8.30
8.30 Boy appears (tousled) and complains about nature of breakfast (daily ocurrence whatever it happens to be)
8.40: They should have left for skool at 8.35. Mrs Nick appears looking confused.
8.45 Boy, getting dressed has lost one sock down the back of a radiator
8.46 Begin sock hunt
8.50 Mrs Nick appears with wet hair and starts yelling 'Where are my specs? Where are my keys?'
I inform her of their location. 'Well what are they doing there?'
8.55 Time to go. Boy announces he has failed to brush teeth.
8.57. Boy fails to locate skool shoes. Boy announces his saxophone is broken, so he is not taking it in for his 9.30 a.m. lesson
8.58. Mrs Nick loses handbag
8.59 Depart in squeal of tyres.
8.59 and a half: Return to collect forgotten school bag
Why does some effing variation on this train crash HAPPEN EVERY DAY?