Cats - how have they survived this long

The 2 feral feline four legged monsters that live in this place are a nightmare.
They are constantly in and out all day long...there is a large extension built onto the house with concertina glass doors leading out onto the decking - so obviously no chance of a cat flap

. They sit outside and claw and meow until your patience wears thin. Theirs never seems to be tired of anything

5 minutes later you go through the same procedure again.
Last night 1 didn't want to come in - the other did. They have their own little house outside as well so no bother if it didn't

When going to bed apperntly you have to leave your bedroom door open as they like to roam .....ferk right off i thought and closed mine firmly.
Just settled into my sleep to hear clawing and scratching at the door ...this then set off the outside attack

. The other cat approached from the pitch roof onto the outside of the bedroom window and shrieking loudly about it's desire to get in

So stomped out of bed - opened bedroom window first - let in the bedroom door second let in the other cat - left door slightly ajar ain defeat and went back to bed.
Snuggled into my duvet when a symphony of cat bells started resounding around the house. They were obviously vampire cats and slept all day , played all night. On their glittery collars they each had a little bell - how very quaint at 2 o clock in the morning

They were running from one end of the house to the other and pouncing on each other. Then using the stairs for the sniper attack. This went on forever.
Finally the noise subsided , my eyelids closed...nice thoughts began to enter my head once more when one of the bastard things used a stealth approach to get onto the bed and sit right next to my head purring. How it didn't get flung out of the window I don't know.
I pushed it down further across the bed. Conceded complete and utter defeat and went back to sleep. An hour later the friggin thing was up and at the bedroom window and wanting to be let out again. God only knows where the other one was. It got flung out and the requests later on to be let back in again were ignored this time. I have probably been reported to the RSPCA by now

Why do people have pets ???