Don't speak too loudly - I am posting from my cell - think Barman was obviously an avid viewer of Prisoner Cell Block H

The key is on the outside of my door

It's taken me about 5 minutes to remember what my password is to the site

Arrived at airport to be greeted by ... no one

Spent several moments surveying the audience before finally deciding he wasn't there. Some bloke came and asked if I was looking for him ...had to consider this for some time but just as I did BM came rushing in . He of course blames LL - but apparently he had to do his hair before he came out as it was a bit windy

LL is lovely

Bm is BM

..good bloke really - invoke agreed code word protocol now

Watched a film tonight in the cine baaaaaa . Will need to go to a doctor tomorrow as I think I've cricked my neck

We are going for a drive in the morning

- do they have CSI Cyprus yet