I have a contract and Vodyphone called to say they could review my tariff. Fine, review it. They reduced it to a tenner a month.
They offered a new phone.
I quite like my Nokia Brick phone. It makes calls and receives them. It has big buttons. But I like new toys, so I said fine.
It arrives.
weenyIt also has:
Video Cam
Voice recorder

ANd tons of other stuff
And a MAHOOSIVE manual
Bastard thing

Buttons are so small that I go for one and my stub of a finger hits about three

Makes stupid noises
Manual is crapola
Have to stare at it a lot to work out what the fook it's doing
Keeps wanting to connnect me to the intermong
Does the radio werk off radio waves, like, or is it intermong based and therefore costing? Serious question
I now see it claims to have as tellyvision on it. WTF is that about

I may have to revert to the Brick
Ooh, it has Google Maps too! Does that cost me or are they inside the phone, like?