Hand on heart who among us hasn't taken advantage when allowed to claim expenses (or part thereof) by our employers?
I have always raided the stationery cupboard, added a few miles for non existent detours, picked up and used discarded parking tickets and then claimed to have paid for them, made sure that the bill for any lunches was for at least two people even when lunching alone (and claimed it was a prospective client), taken a couple of sickies to watch the Test Match etc etc. Yes I have taken advantage of whichever system I worked under and sometimes have got away with it and sometimes the company accountant has thrown the claim out. It is all part of the game.
The simple fact of the matter is that MPs have taken advantage of the system ~ I don't have a problem with that, I would have done the same. Where I get angry is that WE have allowed them to make the rules for their own scheme.

Does that really make me angry or am I more annoyed that I didn't get a slice of the cake? Searching my conscience I cannot say with honesty which it is.
Whatever ~ no point in Old Holbornish name calling. The chance is now upon us to have a good laugh at MPs expense and make sure the system is put right.