Mr Woolas wants to get his facts right before he opens his mouth. He submitted a receipt or series of receipts as proof of his expense claims, some items on those receipts were claimable and some were not. No-one, to my knowledge, has said that he actually claimed for every item only that he failed to cross out the non qualifying items. Thus far we have not been told what was actually paid out and what was "disallowed" but given the apparent state of the checking system in the "Fees Office" it is a fair bet that some non-qualifying items will have slipped through UNLESS they had been clearly crossed out by the claimant. I, for one, hope that Woolas takes it to court and only then will we know anything approaching the full truth.
Meanwhile I stick to my original thoughts on the matter, that the "system" would never have been allowed in the commercial world, that MPs have written it for themselves and slowly, over a period of years, become aware what they could get away and have taken full advantage of it ~ I confess also that I am enjoying the "revelations" enormously.