Think I suggested the Marquis on the other thread. Suitably shabby, does food and also real ale.
I thought that place we went before (I can't remember the name) was hyper-expensive and they didn't do real ale... I came over all queer when I got the drinks in... 
Where is the Marquis in relation to that...?
Largely depends on who drinks what.
Beer is around £2.50 a pint everywhere these days ~ special offer prices excepted and drinking wine in pubs has always cost the earth.
Even here in the darkness of North West Wales I paid £2.75 for a small bottle of Stella in a Little Chef recently and a round of drinks for lil bruvver and me gets no change out of a fiver in any pub around here. If we have my wife and kids in tow then three cokes and a half of best (her preferred tipple unless she is in a Scotch mood) will take that over £10 and £12 if the kids want crisps.