I had been holding off from telling my new girlfriend what I did for a living but after her persistent questioning, I gave in. "I make porn movies. I basically make films of me having sex and I sell them." I told her. She replied, "You know that turns me on. Is there any chance I can be in one of your movies?" I said," I'd love to but you've only got two legs."
A man goes to see the doctor and says "doc I feel as lifeless as a Welsh resort in winter" the doc replies "goodness me it sounds like you're Rhyl"
The chemist was telling me today about a new industrial strength viagra tablet that will availabe soon . I asked if I would be able to get it over the counter . He said I will be able to break the feckin counter .
I broke the worrld record for holding my breath under water . It all started at the local swimming baths when a girl shouted 'That's him over there daddy' .
A man goes into the chemist and asks for Viagra.
"Have you got a presciption?" asked the pharmacist
"No, but I've got a photo of the wife, will that do?"
Paddy goes to take up

and goes for the required medical. A few days later the doctor phones.
"Paddy" he says "you've got sugar diabetes"
Paddy says "No problem, when do I fight him"