The man who makes the giant eclairs at our local patisserie is retiring next week. There'll be some big Chouxs to fill when he goes.
My dad used to tell me, "The first rule of theatre is to always leave them wanting more".
Great bloke... Terrible anaesthetist...
Went to the caves in Cheddar Gorge over the weekend. The guide said to not break any stalactites. I accidentally cracked one off, the smell was awful and it echoed for hours.
Bought a laptop yesterday. Every time I turn it on, it plays a full video of George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley performing. That's the last time I buy a computer with a gig of Wham.
Just been to my Plastic Surgery Addicts Anonymous meeting…a lot of new faces tonight, causing many raised eyebrows about which I will remain tight lipped.
My best friend had just got married and at the ceremony I congratulated them and said that I hoped they enjoyed their honeymoon in Wales. The bride responded ‘we are going to Mexico’.
This was strange as Dave told me he was going to Bangor for a week after the wedding.
"Someone posted they had just baked some synonym buns. I replied, you mean just like the ones grammar use to make?
Did you know?
Peruvian owls hunt in pairs …. They’re Inca Hoots