
Author Topic: Keep working 'to avoid dementia'  (Read 695 times)

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Keep working 'to avoid dementia'
« on: May 18, 2009, 05:13:20 AM »
Quote from: BBC Web Shite
Keeping the brain active by working later in life may be an effective way to ward off Alzheimer's disease, research suggests.

Researchers analysed data from 1,320 dementia patients, including 382 men.

They found that for the men, continuing to work late in life helped keep the brain sharp enough to delay dementia taking hold.


This fucking government has no limits does it? No depths that it will not go to extract tax from its citizens to pay back the huge hole in the finances...

Or perhaps I'm being cynical?  rubschin:

Perhaps this is not linked to the government saying that everybody will have retire later because the country is bankrupt and can't pay pensions...?  lol: lol: lol:

Bastards!  cussing:

I suppose the same effect couldn't be achieved by 'take up chess or other brain stimulating hobby when you retire' could it?  noooo: No, they want you to work; work until you fucking drop and don't become a 'burden' on the state...

Every message from the meeja oozes government spin and lies while they live lives totally removed from that of the working class public they are supposed to represent... They don't want to get rid of the speaker today - they should all go, all 600+ of them and start again with a new system that actually represents the public's views...

Fuck them!  cussing:

Pro Skub  Thumbs:

Offline Miss Demeanour

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Re: Keep working 'to avoid dementia'
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2009, 06:34:26 AM »
Quote from: BBC Web Shite
Keeping the brain active by working later in life may be an effective way to ward off Alzheimer's disease, research suggests.
Researchers analysed data from 1,320 dementia patients, including 382 men.

Why the feck is that relevant - does the fact that 382 of the respondents were men make it a more valid survey  evil:

There was a similar survey in Feb -  which suggested Britain's long working hours could be putting millions at risk of dementia .Middle-age workers doing more than 55 hours a week have poorer mental skills, including short-term memory and ability to recall words, than those clocking up fewer than 41 hours.

Maybe the ideal would be to keep us working until we are fit to drop but on a part time basis - just enough hours though to disqualify us from most of our pension or benefits etc. Then send us all to live in a home (with a faulty boiler and a few carbon monoxide problems  whistle: ) - freeing up some housing stock for homeless MP's  censored:
« Last Edit: May 18, 2009, 06:37:24 AM by Barman »