On average we get one of these a month. We also get plastic bags, sealed in smaller plastic bags from: The British Heart Foundation, The NSPCC, The RSPCSA. The PDSA, Age Concern, Save the Children and a variety of other charities. Apart from the obvious fact that nobody, not even Wenchy, has that much tat to give away even if I do unseal the small plastic bag, take out the larger one contained therein, proceed to fill the large bag with unwanted clothing and place it on my doorstep on MONDAY (as the instructions say on the small bag says) the b@st@rds never, ever collect them and on TUESDAY it is still sat there. I have left them there for a week and still no-one takes it.
If I put down a bag of shopping whilst I struggle to open the door and get the kids into the house some scrote will try to snatch the shopping but they never steal the charity bags I leave out.
As for the Bettaware catalogue people THEY never call on the day they threaten either and the fecking catalogues sit on the doorstep waiting to be picked up for days and days. If, however I throw it away, someone will turn up on the stated "order collection day" and ask what I want to order because "You've not left the book on the step so that means you want something"
NO! I just want to be left without all this crap on my doorstep.