Remote Control Helicopters?
Both of my boys have them. Minor has a Chinook and Minimus has a single rotor job. Christ but they are hard to operate properly ~ bloody expensive too for what they are.
BM ought to come here ~ the boys also have remote control Hovercraft and r.c. flying saucers as well as the usual crop of All Terrain vehicles and a pair of Mini Coopers.
Then there are their Game Boys and the Wii + sundry remote control Daleks, Dinosaurs etc ~ we go through batteries like you wouldn't believe!!!
Add to that a hooooooge Scalextic and an Electric Train set (One loco just back from repair shop yesterday cost £19 for servicing!!)
Whatever happened to a hoop and stick.
Even their bikes have 10 gears each.

Oh and I almost forgot ~ They also have a water powered rocket thanks to a certain Scotland Bound person