Thousands of people watch BBC programmes abroad - either by using iPlayer via a proxy server or just having a mahoosive satellite dish...

So that bit is a load of old bollocks then...

The BBC is in the fortunate position of not having to make tough commercial decisions - it has its income forcebly collected from its customers in the UK (i.e. anybody with a telly)... I'd suggest that they need to start charging for iPlayer downloads at a point where declining revenue from people owning tellies makes the company uneconomic - I can't see that in the forseeable future tho...
So the decision is simple, does the BBC wish to remain at the 'leading edge', providing its programmes via various routes to their customers or not...? Quite frankly I think watching TV on your laptop or mobile phone is a bit naff... a get-off for techno-freaks... Why don't they just have a couple more digital channels constantly running repeats...?
Or, for the money the BBC
wastes spends on iPlayer and their web site (the biggest in the world I gather) they could just give all of their genuine customers in the UK that have a licence a free PVR.
There you go, job jobbed!