Aw ~ come on you old spoilsport, there must be an interesting history in your name.
Mine has a fascinating tale behind it.
Look mine up and you can tell me all about it on Friday then...
You have prolly already done an internet search for it ~ most people have. I can tell you that there are more people with your surname in the old records than I expected BUT the usual sites can offer no explanation of its origins which looks as if it is a corruption of a foreign name or an invented name used by record keepers when your ancestors arrived on these shores and nobody could understand them. There are a fair number with the same surname in the USA too. Interestingly looking at the name distribution in 1891 there are large portions of the UK where the name does not appear on the records at all and the biggest concentration is in the South East. Most are in London, then there is an even spread throughout Essex, Middlesex, Kent, Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire. Few in Wiltshire and Dorset and a lot again in Devon. None in Cornwall or Wales (Scotland keeps its own records so is not included) None in Derbyshire or Cheshire. A scant few in other counties. This would indicate that the immigrant families had become well established by 1891 but tended to remain in and around London where the work/money was. I would suspect, given your known colouring (hair etc), that the family origins lie in the Northern end of Europe rather than further south towards the Med.
Tell me on Friday how wrong I am and how you are really descended from a long line of Mexican bandits.