There are several one way systems close to where I live, something to do with improving the traffic flow since the streets are quite narrow and there's usually a line of parked cars on one side. They're clearly marked and signed but sadly not all drivers seem to be conversant with the meaning of the signage
Driving back home along one of these one ways I was met by a car coming the other way. Oh dear; I slowed and paused by an empty space to the side allowing the oncoming driver the space. We both stopped. Windows were wound down and a conversation ensued...
(By this time I'd clocked the driver; a large, I mean very large Nigerian woman in full celebratory Pentecostal dress)
Do you know this is a one way street? says I
What you mean? Is a road?
Yes, it's a one way road
You sure of this Mister? Where it say?
Yes, there's a sign where you turned in.
I see no sign. You move your car?
You're driving the wrong way; it's not a good idea.
Ahm drivin' to Church; it's the right way.
Hmm. Take a look at the cars parked up. Which way are they facing?
How do I know that? What you tek me for Mister?
Well, they're all facing the same way as me; I thought that might give you a clue.
I don't need no clue and now I'm goin' to be late if you don' move.
With that I sighed and moved on. It's not the first time it's happened but mostly it's kids on bicycles. When I say kids I mean older black kids who ride their bikes distinctively, knees out to the side. That's because the bike is too small for them and probably not theirs. Advising
them it's not a good idea to ride counter to the flow of traffic is usually met with... I think you can guess