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Socialism - Leg-Iron Nails it
« on: June 17, 2009, 03:43:11 AM »
Prompted to post this by the telephone tax thread...

Quote from: Leg-Iron
There are, at root, only two ways to get rich. Either work your fingers to the bone for it or steal it from someone else. The latter course risks imprisonment, unless it's Government-sanctioned theft in which case refusing to hand over your money to the thieves is what puts you in prison. It could explain why the current government is so keen to defend criminals and demonise those who resist criminals: the criminal is just doing what the government do.

Socialists insist that their doctrine is equality and redistribution. They claim they will eradicate poverty by taking money from very rich people who have worked for it and handing it over to those who can't be bothered working for it. A sort of Robin Hood mentality that makes them feel all pious inside. Of course, they don't give away their own money, only the money they've stolen, and they don't give all of that away either. There are administrative costs, you see, and those costs can be very high. I don't recall Robin Hood employing armies of administrators but then he didn't have anywhere to put them. No office blocks in those days. Oh, and Robin Hood wasn't a socialist. He was helping out an overtaxed population, not overtaxing them and keeping the money himself. He had no pension.

If there are any socialists reading, I'm sure you are foaming at the mouth because you think I'm misrepresenting you. Look closely at what the socailists you idolise are doing. Look very closely.

Neil and Glenys Kinnock have six State pensions, any one of which would make them rich pensioners. Next time you are out canvassing for the Labour party, explain to the pensioners you visit why it is a great socialist triumph that they risk imprisonment for non-payment of council tax and have to choose between the heating and lunch, while your socialist leaders live in mansions on the proceeds of the tax these pensioners paid all their lives. Where is the equality and redistribution in this?

You, socialists, claim to despise capitalism but the Labour party has relied on donations from big business in order to keep the party going. Ask yourselves why wealthy businessmen have delighted in the Labour government while your 'working class' starve? Who have you been supporting all these years, really? Now that your party is truly the enemy of business, those donations have stopped coming. What is your response? State funding of political parties. More theft.

You will deny it is theft, you socialists. It is 'redistribution'. Yet if anyone refuses to pay any of your taxes, including the pensioner who has that huge council tax bill and is already living on cat food, if they refuse to pay or cannot pay, what do you do? Do you visit the Kinnocks and ask them to redistribute some of their wealth, accumulated using socialist values, or do you visit the pensioner with police backup, arrest and imprison them? Which of those do you do, Socialists? Is that your 'fair society'? Taxation is no different from demanding money with menaces, when you look at it with an uncritical eye. Fail to pay, for any reason, and you can expect a visit from the heavies.

The capitalists you so despise are not all millionaires. Most, if not all, aspire to be. As does every socialist politician, without exception, and every socialist drone who cheers them on. There is, however, a difference. A very big difference.

Capitalists become rich by working for it. They build businesses and if they have the drive, they can build very big businesses that employ thousands of people, bring a lot of income to the economy from overseas and pay a lot of tax. If you increase their tax burden, what will they do? They will move themselves and their businesses to another country where the tax burden is less. You will scream that they are deserting the workers and running from their responsibilities, to which I would ask - what responsibilities? They are already paying, in some cases, millions in tax. Increasing your percentage means they pay millions more. Why is it their responsibility to do that? They built the business, earned the money, they pay a lot of people a wage, so why are they responsible for those who won't work?

Why are they responsible for paying the Kinnocks' pensions, and the expenses of wealthy socialist MPs who already live in mansions?

In fact, why are the rest of us responsible for those costs?

Socialists become rich by stealing it. They produce nothing but misery, and an expensive misery it is indeed. For the true masochist, forget about Madame Whiplash, just get yourself a socialist government and watch the pain build. Socialists do not work, they do not produce, they actually prevent the accumulation of wealth by others and destroy any motivation anyone might feel to work harder or build businesses. When the protection racket that is tax is taking a large slice out of your earnings, why bother? Just like an infestation of worms, socialism saps the strength and drive of its host and if left unchecked, leads inevitably to death.

I know the socailists out there are fuming now. 'We are not thieves! We only take what we are entitled to'. Why are you entitled to take what I have earned? Why are you entitled to sit back and watch me work, then rob me on the way home? That is, in a nutshell, what you do. I can expect no phenomenal pension when I retire. Your socialist Gorgon has seen to it that the pensions we pay for are worthless while the ones you don't pay for are very nice indeed. You have stolen our retirement, the long rest we worked for, so that your public sector can have it instead. We will be buying cat food while you buy caviar, and still you will squeeze us for more with the threat of imprisonment when we can't pay.

You, socialists, are not the champions of the people you portray yourselves to be. You are parasites. You are rabid, shrieking, mindless drones caught in an ideology you have not thought about, nor have you considered the consequences. You are the tapeworm, and your thought processes are no more complex than that lowly creature can manage. You despise success but you want to be successful. You hate the wealthy but you want their money - not for 'the people', for yourselves. You will go to any lengths to steal that money. Even when your victim is one of the poor you so loudly proclaim yourselves champions of, still you cannot restrain your grasping hand.

At the pub last night, one of the regulars told me of his council tax demands. He is unemployed. He used to be a builder's labourer but has arthritis and can't use his hands. The tax demand amounts to two weeks' dole money. Is he, or is he not, one of the 'disadvantaged workers' you socialists claim to support? Why, then, are you threatening him with court action when you know exactly how much income he has, and you are fully aware that he cannot possibly pay this bill?

Two ways to get rich. Work for it and become a capitalist, or take the easier route. Become a socialist, let others work for it and then steal it from them. Oh, you get to spit on your benefactors while you empty their wallets too. As a bonus, you can also steal it back from anyone you've given to, just so they don't get any ideas about escaping their situation. The proles must be kept poor, uneducated and in their place. Meanwhile, the elite can have multiple homes and big pensions, and the proles can pay for it.

Socialists like to cry 'fascist' a lot. They don't understand irony.

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