My first ever flight was in 1963 in a Chipmunk Trainer (See piccy) out of RAF Cosford. All recruits are given "Flight Experience" during basic training.
The Squadron Leader pilot decided to do a "bomb run" on Woolworths in the middle of Coventry.
It was his last day in the RAF and he didn't give a f*ck so having skimmed Coventry he looped a couple of times then "buzzed" Cosford, took it up to 5000 feet and said "Wanna have a go?"
Let me fly the damned thing through a couple of circuits then took control again and did some more aerobatics over the airfield before we landed.
The CO was waiting for us when we climbed out. Not a happy bunny at all. Much shouting between them. I was led away from the scene by a concerned Flight Sergeant and fed copious quantities of tea and buns in the NAAFI.