I am trying to resolve an official complaint against our service and write a reponse to the Ombudsmen today .
The person in question is barking and has written 20 letters in the past 2 weeks.

I am trying, really trying , to understand what it is he is complaining about but I have about 50 pages to wade through which are written like this :
There is no sign of amelioration in this flat, whatsoever. There is no response to my pressing predicaments. This is not a salutory reminder, but epitome, an apercu of my frustrations. I enunciate that, this wasn't a harmonious , resplendent experience. The more strenously I have tried for concord, the more abysmally I have faced discord.
I hope parties involved would remain non - partisan and profesional in the spirit of freedom of expressions and seeking justice. As it is evident , I do not seek in any friends but truth and justice..... and so it goes on