The Brat has also recently received lots of literature and had talks at school on Drugs awareness. She is 12 and she also received some basic information when she was in primary school to - about The Boy's age.
I know that the shit programs she watches and the crap music she listens to, glamourise drug taking to a certain extent and so I am quite happy for her to hear the reality of it. Plus which I do accept that there will be an element of curiosity and of having to fit in with her friends which may inform her choices especially as she gets older. However I don't think all this drug education will limit drug use significantly. A bit like the education around teenage pregnancy
It's difficult to just say all drugs are bad and you should never take any - schools still lecture that cigarettes and alcohol are drugs on that level
( not the cigarettes tho
) - so kids see and hear lots of contradictory advice and opinion.
I guess the education is a bit about busting the myths - informing kids of what substances are called , all the slang names etc and what they contain; as names often change and so you may actually think you are taking something far less harmful than you actually are etc.
It does highlight the risks - but lets face it that doesn't have a great impact in preventing the use of drugs