Do you remember a few years back where they had all those statues of decorated cows dotted around some cities and then they auctioned them all off .....
Well it's back - except with kangeroo's
This morning walking into work I passed one of these things outside a popular tourist attraction .
Between Wednesday 24th and 30th June 20 life-size kangaroo statues will be descending on London.
Each will boast its own unique design, with the roos created by a mix of celebrities, students, artists and sponsors.
Known as the Kangaroo Island Hunt roos, they will be located at landmarks throughout central London, and the public will be invited to find the roos in return for winning a trip to Kangaroo Island!
The 20 kangaroo designs have come from various celebs, including model Elle Macpherson, GMTV presenter Richard Arnold and South Australian artists Peter Coad and Emma Hack.The funniest thing is that they have a sign on them requesting the public to kindly refrain from climbing on them - not a chance