Its not a new concept BM, dialler companies have been playing around with this for a few years now because of tightening regulation about agent scripting, especially within the financial sector. At a guess I'd say we have 2-3 years before we see it in widespread use.
When it does roll out though its a safe bet that companies with large call centres 150-1500 people will snap it up, as even if you only have 100 agents being paid say £11 per year not including commission you would pay off the cost of the dialler and chatbots in 6-8 months with the salary savings alone, plus the savings that would be made on floorspace as depending on the hardware you could potentially run what would have been a traditional 100 seat call centre from a room the size of the minema as long as they don't have any sort of 'idiot customer' provision where you can trick the system into putting you through to a human the way you can with IVR's.