Don't know why but this made me think of BM....

Something tells me that this may be good.... 
My beer did explode in the garage if you remember...?
And, when my BiL was staying with us in Maidenhead because he was visiting The Royal Marsden everyday, somebody bought him a 'beer bag' for his birthday...

It was one of those 'brew in a bag' things, you just added water then hung it up on the back of the door while it fermented...
Well, this thing inflated like a mahoosive balloon, clearly the pressure relief thing had gone wrong or something. It had a little tap on the front for draining the beer off when it finished and I decided that the best thing was to drain off some beer to reduce the pressure...
So, armed with glass I pressed the button on the tap and the whole tap came off!

Much like the video in the OP, the thing sprayed gallons of beer all over the floor, walls and ceiling...