Words just fail me...
So if the drunk had murdered people in front of her would it be OK to sue his estate?
IMHO yes and that is what he in effect did
What if you watched somebody being murdered on the tellybox - could you sue then...?
Doubt it
I've seen at least one person killed live on TV (a marshal that walked in front of a car). It wasn't pretty and I'd hopefully never see it again but with so much abstraction involved I couldn't remotely say it affected me to any extent for any length of time.
But I don't know how much it would affect me, you or the man/woman from the off licence to see a family killed slowly right in front of them through some arsehole's criminal negligence. But if I, you or the man/woman from the off licence then lost significant money as a result do we just say that's tough luck?
Actions have consequences and sometimes those consequences need to be paid for
But the drunk didn't
murder the people... that requires intent. Manslaughter perhaps...
And you see people killed on the tellybox all the time - the tower fire in London, twin towers, that bridge collapsing in the 'States.
And people watch those things 'in person'. What a fucked-up state it would be if everybody that witnesses somebody being killed gets a big payout...
I mean, twin towers alone would have bankrupt the entire country...