This weekend's Daily Misogynist Daily Mail, carried an article about a London doctor who is diagnosing some of his patients with ‘computer face.' This is an affliction that only impacts women (apparently) and the theory goes something like this: When you stare at the computer screen for long periods of time, you tend to frown, which causes lines and crow's feet as you squint to read whatever is on the screen. In addition, because you look down at the computer screen, it puts your head at an angle that shortens your neck muscles, resulting in those really attractive jowls, also known as ‘turkey neck.'
The doctor recommends that you keep a mirror next to your computer so that you can see the face that you make when you are reading, surfing and typing. Well, I did it and I definitely have a severe case of ‘computer face.' Either that or I just look angry all the time.
Strangely enough, my ‘computer face' became even more pronounced when I realized that the good doctor's cure for the condition is Botox - which coincidentally can be injected into your face at his expensive clinic.
Perhaps if there were less people preying on women's fears and insecurities about their appearance in order to sell them stuff, there wouldn't be a need to cure, or even diagnose ‘computer face.'