COUPLE CALLED 'SWINES' AND 'INFIDELS' IN MALDIVES WEDDINGA COUPLE who spent a fortune renewing their wedding vows in the Maldives were called 'swines' and 'infidels' by the staff member conducting their wedding ceremony.
"You are a swine" and "the children that you bear from this marriage will all be bastard swines" are just some of the comments made during the 'traditional' Maldivian ceremony.
Conducted at the Vilu Reef Beach and Spa Resort, the wedding ceremony - carried out in Arabic - leaves the western couple clueless while the 'celebrant' leading their vows announces: "Your marriage is not a valid one. You are not the kind of people who can have a valid marriage.
"One of you is an infidel. The other, too, is an infidel – and we have reason to believe –an atheist, who does not even believe in an infidel religion.
“You fornicate and make a lot of children. You drink and you eat pork. Most of the children that you have are marked with spots and blemishes… these children that you have are bastards,” he continues solemnly.
Manager Mohamed Rasheed told the AFP news agency: "The man had used filthy language. Otherwise the ceremony was OK."