Benefit cheats excuses ........
A survey by fraud investigators revealed the worst excuses used by benefit cheats were:
"We don't live together — he just comes each morning to fill up his flask."
"I wasn't using the ladders to clean windows, I carried them for therapy for my bad back."
"I had no idea my wife was working! I never noticed her leaving the house twice a day in a fluorescent jacket and a Stop Children sign."
"My wallet was stolen so someone must have been using my identity, I haven't been working".
"I didn't know I was still on benefit."
"I didn't declare my savings because I didn't save them, they were given to me."
"He lives in a caravan in the drive, we're not together."
"He does come here every night and leave in the morning and although he has no other address I don't regard him as living here."
"It wasn't me working, it was my identical twin."
"I wasn't aware my wife was working because her hours of work coincided with the times I spent in the garden shed."