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Inhaling alcohol to keep the weight off? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2332111/Drunk-puff-smoke-Worrying-new-trend-sees-diet-conscious-drinkers-INHALE-alcohol-avoid-calories.html
At last, a website that offers a full analysis on whether anyone should read the Daily Mail or not
In my youth, when I was merely an apprentice old git, we used to have a ‘fad’. Yes, we had those before the Internet and they did not involve lying on things or pouring stuff over yourself except sometimes accidentally at the end of an evening. Here I speak not of the Painless Cyder and Ludo Club nor of the Frog Society, those came later. This was the inhalation of booze club, never formally named because it left few of us coherent enough to say much of anything.We would take a shot of spirit, vodka or gin or whisky, and not swallow. We would hold it under the tongue with head tilted forward, let it reach body temperature and then inhale sharply. Do not try this anywhere else other than at home because you might forget where home is.The alcohol bypasses all the body’s anti-booze defences and passes as a vapour straight through the lungs into the bloodstream. Wallop. It’s a youngster’s fad, it’s for the fit and healthy only. It is also self-limiting because if you’ve done it a couple of times then take a drink and tilt your head forward to try again, it all just runs out.It depends on the alcohol being vapour which is why you let it warm up.So it was with some bafflement that I read about the new ‘fad’ for ‘smoking your booze’. They now do it by adding dry ice and inhaling what comes off.I am never going to try that. Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide and the ‘fumes’ are water vapour condensing on the very, very cold gaseous carbon dioxide. Dropping the temperature of your booze is not going to encourage alcohol vapour formation, quite the opposite in fact. What you can get from this is a feeling somewhat akin to intoxication but which is actually your brain suffering from carbon dioxide overload.You breathe in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. Your body’s ability to do this depends to a very large extent on the fact that air contains 20-21% oxygen and a tiny fraction of a percent of carbon dioxide. So oxygen from air diffuses into oxygen-depleted blood in the lungs while the relatively large amounts of carbon dioxide in that blood easily diffuse into the air which is then exhaled.If you increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the air going in, your body cannot expel the carbon dioxide it has accumulated and if the percentage in inhaled air goes above even a few percent, carbon dioxide diffuses into your blood, not out.Dissolved carbon dioxide becomes carbonic acid, your blood turns acidic, you get acidosis and then you die.This new ‘fad’ sounds very dangerous but the danger has nothing to do with alcohol nor with smoking, both of which are implicated in the article even though neither are really involved.Either the ‘experts’ quoted don’t realise this, or the entire article is akin to the Prohibitionists deliberately poisoning alcohol in the States on their last outing. The experts claim that the inhaled stuff is bad because it is ‘dry’ – which is bollocks. The visible ‘smoke’ is water vapour condensing on the freezing gas. It is not ‘dry’. This linking of smoking and drinking is not aimed at killing off the smokers nor is it aimed at the drinkers. Look closely.The main actor claims to have lost eighty pounds by doing this. This one is intended to kill off the fatties.If anyone out there has any thought of getting some dry ice and a bottle of gin as a weight loss aid, forget it. If you have not handled dry ice before the only weight you will lose will add up to the weight of your fingers. If you try this inhalation of carbon dioxide idea, you will die.Normally the Daily Mail’s Righteous reports are laughable but this is a whole new direction. This is something that will kill fatties while associating the blame with drinkers and smokers. A very tenuous association, sure, but these days that’s all it takes.If you want alcohol vapour you need to make the drink warmer, not colder. So either some idiots have decided that the effects of inhaling raised carbon dioxide is the same as alcohol (it’s probably similar, but you don’t have years of ‘liver vs. booze’ to enjoy it, in fact it could be the same as a deadly reaction to your first ever drug experience) or this is an entirely made-up story designed to rack up a few deaths that can then be blamed on booze and linked to smoking.They have done it before. The poisoned alcohol in the US Prohibition era was not, at the time, linked to the Righteous. The deaths were blamed on booze. They had not progressed so far with smoking at that time.If you like to smoke or drink or have one of those larger than average waistlines, know this. Despising those you are told to despise will not save you. The despisers hate you too and you are expendable. If they can kill you and blame it on us, they will.
The female driver of the vehicle