It may be a start, not too sure about how successful it might really be though.
If Camermong says it is working it isn't... he is a liar, it is bullshit... it is something the useless c**t can seen to be doing while thousands die because of his ridiculous policies in other areas...
Hang him now....
How do you know he is lying? All he's said is officials have told him they have received more expressions of interest since the posters were used. The rest is all Maily Telegraph invective.
I think they've worked splendidly but in another way. A whole host of pseuds and bleeding hearts have come out from under stones to bleat how unfair they are only to realise they have managed to make themselves look like total twats supporting crime. With luck they'll STFU for ever now - a real result.
Just out of interest would you rather have your politicians or ours?