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Note the hair colour.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/epic/tsco/10339449/Tesco-withdraws-inflatable-gay-best-friend-doll-from-sale.html
Mayor Arthur McDaniel told CNN he is excited about the new law. “It’s time a city steps up and sets a precedent that this disgusting filth that has plagued this great country of ours for generations will no longer be tolerated,” McDaniel said. “Pornography is a defiant act against Jesus and his teachings. The rest of the country can keep their heads in the sand about this smut and corruption to our children, but not the great city of St. George. I can only hope and pray other cities and states follow suit.”
“Our police force will be targeting anyone selling, distributing or using pornographic material including but not limited to magazines, toys, movies and of course the internet; basically anything that is porn related.“We will also be removing certain produce from our grocery stores; we know all the tricks of a sexual deviant.”
City In Utah Makes Porn Illegal – 30 Days In Jail For First Offense QuoteMayor Arthur McDaniel told CNN he is excited about the new law. “It’s time a city steps up and sets a precedent that this disgusting filth that has plagued this great country of ours for generations will no longer be tolerated,” McDaniel said. “Pornography is a defiant act against Jesus and his teachings. The rest of the country can keep their heads in the sand about this smut and corruption to our children, but not the great city of St. George. I can only hope and pray other cities and states follow suit.” Quote“Our police force will be targeting anyone selling, distributing or using pornographic material including but not limited to magazines, toys, movies and of course the internet; basically anything that is porn related.“We will also be removing certain produce from our grocery stores; we know all the tricks of a sexual deviant.”
This could have been the new Darwinmobile. http://www.wired.com/autopia/2013/09/rolls-royce-tiger-car/Classic Rolls Royce with added extras perfect for keeping the oiks of your land.
The venomous creatures, which arrived from the Canary Islands 140 years ago, used to only appear in warmer parts of the country like Devon, Dorset and Cornwall.
Wasn't there an article in the news a little while back about the signs that burglars would leave on houses to say if they were worth hitting or not...... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/10346308/Retired-prison-officer-shares-home-with-pet-crocodile.html