. . .
Worse still, the BBC's pension fund is invested heavily in 'Green' companies - the success of which they can directly influence with their biased reporting...
Unlikely imho as no UK newspaper has published that story.
I must be completely wrong then if you say so.... 
Oh, wait!
The Express? I said a newspaper not the UK's leading pornographer's favourite chip wrapping. Surprising there wasn't a "Lady Di killed to prevent exposing pension fund " headline such is that rag's history. It's always a clue when no other UK paper repeats an Express story.
But as you insisted it was true I have now spent less than a minute googling and here are the facts of the
top investments of the BBC pension fundTop equity Investments at 31 March 2013
Investment Holding £m
GlaxoSmithKline - 50.7
Rolls Royce - 48.2
BP - 46.7
Amazon.Com - 46.4
AstraZeneca - 46.3
Royal Dutch Shell - 43.0
British American Tobacco - 37.8
Roche Holding - 36.3
Rio Tinto - 34.2
BT Group - 34.1
. . .
Rolls Royce, BP, Shell, Rio Tinto, BAT. Not very green imho
If you dig a bit deeper on that BBC site you will find that all they ever committed to do was "take account of climate change in their investment activities" and it turns out all that means is they will ask the companies they invest in to think about climate change.