« Reply #5376 on: August 28, 2014, 03:55:16 PM »
How the hell do you get volunteers for this? Put an ad in the paper "Couples wanted, must be willing to taser each other?" Apey and BM are probably lucky that Misty and LL didn't hear about it

What I found most interesting about the reactions people showed while getting tazed was you never knew how they would react. Some people screamed while others were quiet. A few people looked like they were experiencing pleasure while others had the most painful faces I've ever seen. I saw jumpers and fallers. People laughed and people cursed. I even had about four guys and girls who did not react at all and seemed to be completely unphased by the 300,000 volts of electricity.

The universe is run by the complex interweaving of three elements. Energy, matter, and enlightened self-interest.