Or on the other hand Jimmy it could just be that Falmouth is full of people who find you about as amusing as a case of genital warts and were less than impressed about your childish temper tantrum concerning the Redruth hotel. As far as not advertising the show goes that has to be one of the most petulant cretinous arguments I've ever heard given that from an economical standpoint it makes no sense to sabotage a show like that as they would end up making a loss. Not to mention the fact that even though I hadn't been paying attention to the upcoming events over the last couple of months I knew that you had a show there so if they weren't advertising that must make me a bleedin' psychic.
The Princess Pavillion may not be the largest and most prestigious venue in Cornwall but it still manages to get a decent number of acts in every year, strange how not only have none of them have had a reason to complain they have all complemented the site, staff and facilities.
Petulant arsehole.