There are times I read the news and wonder if I've fallen through the looking glass, having read this I wonder if I've gone back in time. The changes to the laws and regulations that the Fail is celebrating victory over were in place years ago back when I was running predictive diallers. The problem isn't the just call centres as the reputable ones can only use the data that they have been supplied, it's the sources of the data. How many people do you think read that little tick box section at the bottom of a form that 'everybody' knows is the 'tick if you do not wish to receive' option? If you just blindly fill in the box then congratulations, there is a good chance that you've just given permission to be contacted as in a lot of cases the wording is changed to opt IN rather than out.
I know that there is a negative perception of the industry and that there have been supposed changes meant to improve things but have only really amounted to using arcane technofuckery to create formulas to calculate solutions instead of using common sense to fix them. The media doesn't help in cases like this because when an outlet sounds the call for the next crusade it's clear that whoever is leading the charge has no idea at all of what is involved or what would actually be required to fix the issues. That is why we get the same thing happening over and over again where they are fobbed off with some clever wording that makes something that is already in place look new and shiny.
Victory my cynical arse.