woke idiot Mayor of San Francisco. Here's a thought, try spending time sorting out the massive problems in your city such as the rampant homelessness and public health disaster that has led to the resurgence of diseases from the middle ages such as Typhus instead of coming up with meaningless hypocritical bullshit like this just to catch some headlines and get praise from the deranged left. Why hypocritical I hear you ask? Well while the NRA has made some decisions and statements in the past that could be described as anything from ill advised to reprehensible they have neither carried out nor endorsed any terrorist activities, in fact they have condemned the recent mass shootings. Members of Antifa on the other had have, in the last couple of months, carried out 2 terrorist attacks on ICE facilities which only by pure luck or incompetence didn't cause any deaths yet where is the condemnation for their acts?