We had a power cut yesterday.
No problem, all the PCs are protected with UPS.
However, I had an open Word document on mine. No problem, 15 minutes of backup battery is loads of time to save everything. Oh no...

Windoze has to tell me that the network drive is not available (the file server that holds all our files had already shut down). I know that of course and as I hadn't even done a 'Save As...' I'm not sure why it was relevant...
Anyhoo... after about five minutes of struggle and interminable waiting while it searched for non-existent network drives it managed or should I say agreed to save the file on my desktop.
Of course when I tried to open the file this morning it was corrupted and useless.

Word knows this and suggests that I use the 'Open and Repair' option on the file menu.
a) I don't have such an option
b) If you know it needs this action why don't you just do it?
Fuck, the power has jusat gone off again!