A couple of months back a box appeared in the kitchen. It contained a dozen lights for the garden, the sort that charge up in sunlight and then glow eerily as it gets dark. Last night, sick of the sight of this box I went up to the garden and assembled said lights and planted them around the edges of the lawn.
Job done.
Mrs Nick just came in in one of her moods.
'We can't leave those in the garden, someone might steal them.'
'Why did you buy them then?'
''My plan is to charge them up in the day [presumably no danger of theft] and then BRING THEM IN AT NIGHT.'
'So let me get this straight. We leave the lamps out all day to charge assuming no one will steal them, and then, when they start to cast their eery illumination, which is what they are for, we gather them up every fooking night and bring them into the house where they will glow in a corner of the kitchen all night while we stumble about the garden in the dark. Yes?'
She stormed off