I would prolly have taken the same attitude. If the service had been good and the stay pleasant then I would have told them. If they had been shite hosts I'd have figured they deserved to fail and undercharging me could only hasten their departure.
BTW on average you are under charged more often at Supermarket checkouts that over charged. I cannot give a source but it is something I read years ago in the Grocer magazine ~ not that they would have any reason to "spin" the results of any survey of course. My own experience is that we frequently find we have been undercharged by ASDA home delivery but we have never spotted an overcharge ~ I don't tell them, mainly because the cost of the phone call usually would be about the same as the amount undercharged. It is only ever pence.
The only time I have ever actually walked away from a till with more change than I was due was in a shop where a large notice saying "Check your change ~ No corrections will be made after you leave the till". The girl gave me surly service and because she was too busy holding a conversation with her friend on the next till she gave me change for a twenty when I had only given her a tenner. I took a step or two away from the till as I looked at the money in my hand and realised that she had given me a ten pound note in the change so returned to the till with the money still in my hand.
Me "Sorry love but I think you have made a mistake" holding out the hand full of cash
She (jerking a discoloured thumb at the notice) "Cantcha read?"
Me "Sorry to have bothered you" turned and walk to the door.
Her (To her friend) "They all try that on ~ f*cking good job we got that sign innit"
Me ~ now outside of shop counting my change more carefully realised that there were in fact two tenners stuck together (new notes) so, twenty pounds to the good, I headed for the nearest pub to celebrate.