I thought I would resurrect this thread as I was saying on another thread that holding an Alligator was on my Bucket list....
I have no real interest in things like the seven wonders but if got the chance would take it to see what all the fuss is about if nothing else..... but as a child I had a list in my head of things I wanted to ...
I know it seems daft now but as a child I used to go with my dad to just outside Glasgow airports main runway and we sat in the car with dads radio and listen to the pilots talking to the control tower taking off and landing...
We would then drive round to the terminal park run inside and watch the people disembark from the plane we had just listened to landing...
My dream was to be one of those passengers coming down the steps on the plane and walking across the tarmac... I have to admit that even today I get a bit of a thrill when I do that..

Only at Glasgow I might add..
As I said I know it is daft....
Another was to visit Paris to the Louve been loads now and love it....
Amerika have been a few times but only to the south.... so dream of going to Washington picking up a camper , car, or an open train ticket and just seeing where I end up.....

Everyone I think needs to have dreams something to strive for something that makes you smile when you think about it..

So what do others dream about....
I don't mean munny we would all like that I am sure that is taken as read .....

As is health the most important dream of all ....... and of course the person of your dreams..

I normally just get told I am mad and a fantasist....
And to be honest I don't give a FF .. At times it has kept me sane when I could have cracked and gone under... Truth be told..
So I hope there are others like me out there just as mad... and willing to admit too it