Arrived at surgery at 10.25 for 10.30 appointment. Waited until called in to see Doctor at 11.27. He looked at me blankly ~ I looked at him.
He said "What can I do for you?"
I said "You told me last Monday to return today for the results of the tests so here I am"
He said "Oh yes. We wanted another sample."
Me "I supplied a second sample on Friday at 10.15 in plenty of time for the lab collection at 11.30"
He said "Did you?"
Me "Yes"
He said "I'll look on the 'pooter and see if we have a result yet" Tappity tap tap tap on keyboard "Oh, they haven't posted the results yet, prolly means they are still growing cultures on them then. Uhmmmmm ..... Can you ring in the morning and see if the results are back?"