Last night The Brat presented me with a pile of 12 exercise books that all needed 'covering' as dictated by the school.
She had been out and bought rolls of sticky backed plastic and then asked me to do it cos she wasn't very good.
There then preceded a couple of hours of arguments and tears ( mine of course
) because there was an air bubble or a crease in one , it wasn't aligned straightly on another.......etc etc etc
Why the feck do they still insist on these books being covered......if the quality is that bad that you need to cover in wallpaper or some such to make sure it doesn't disintegrate then buy better quality books.
And what are they going to do if a kid refuses to cover their books - put them in detention or send the parent/s a threatening letter for not adhering to the parent / school partnership charter
I will never, ever, ever attempt to cover a book again