We do not have wheelie bins. The lanes around here are too narrow for the large truck needed to empty them and most of the lanes have no pavements for us to block with our wheelies anyway.
We have a variety of transparent but differently coloured plastic bags. We are instructed that we should put paper and cardboard in a bag of a certain hue and place this outside of our property on "even" weeks. Another bag of variant colour is to hold plastics, Milk bottles, cream and yoghurt cartons, P.E.T. bottles, food containers etc. There is an instruction writ large upon the bag that all plastics MUST BE RINSED AND DRIED before being placed in the bag. This will be collected on "odd" weeks.
This morning, standing at the kitchen sink grumpily washing out a plastic 4pt milk bottle, four yoghurt pots and a cream tub prior to putting them in the appropriate bag the thought occurred that this a fvck of a lot of water being used. I suggested to the lady wife that perhaps we should wash them in the rain water butt as an economy measure. Having considered this suggestion for all of a nanosecond she replied "Would you like me to take the washing down to the river and beat your shirts on a rock as well?"
I took her point but I still say I am still paying to wash things that I want to throw away and frankly that p*sses me off somewhat.
I then suggested that we might put such items in the dishwasher along with the breakfast crockery etc but she pointed out that they are not in fact dishwasher proof and will melt and fvck up the machine.
My last idea was that we ought to line them up in the toilet and instruct users to p*ss in them and then tip the result down the bog before flushing.
This too she vetoed for reasons not explained ..... Well TBH she just gave me a withering look.
I am now seeking some alternative. After all I have to pay for the water used. It is of drinking quality and we are told it is in short supply and should not be wasted. This cannot realistically be said to be saving the planet.
PS We also have yet another coloured bag for tins that also have to be rinsed clean before being put in it.