Sunday night: killed two greyhounds I was looking after 
Monday night: Masterminded a scheme for IKEA Croydon to give away 10 tons of free mangoes 
Both times woke up convinced that these were real events....

I had a kip before going to the airport last night.
When LL woke me up I was having a dream about trying to dry clothes in a spin dryer but I hadn't put the drain hose in the sink and the water went all over the floor... I had to use the dry clothes to mop up the water and put them back in the spin dryer...
...but I hadn't put the drain hose in the sink and the water went all over the floor... I had to use the dry clothes to mop up the water and put them back in the spin dryer...
...but I hadn't put the drain hose in the sink and the water went all over the floor... I had to use the dry clothes to mop up the water and put them back in the spin dryer...