I have put 3 CDs (set-up for wireless router and set-up for adaptors) AND the code for remote access to the "locked" and thus secure wireless router in a safe place.
Now I cannot find them

I know they are together in one cardboard sleeve.
I know what it looks like (White card, orange and black printing with the word NETGEAR writ large upon each item).
I DO NOT know where they are

My office is not large (9'7" x 6'6") with book shelves on both sides. I have emptied all shelves and placed everything back on them.
I have been through every hanging file in the cabinet, cleared and refilled the shelves in the pedestals of my desk. No drawers

I have emptied and refilled the trays used to hold papers that have yet to be filed.
SWWLTBO asked if I was having a "Spring Clean"

I am hot, dusty and mightily pissed off and still I cannot find the damned disks.
Meanwhile Minor cannot get "on line" wirelessly and is whinging bloody nonstop. I may have to keell heem