Kids ey? get 'em out of their teens, and you think everything will be better.
Errrrrrr, NO.

My eldest is 35 now, never been married, no ties and the whole werld at his feet....and he chooses THIS tosser.

He had been going out with this bint who's been nowt but trouble (got some sort of mental illness involving depression...can't remember it's name)
He finally binned her 6 months ago, much to everyones relief, mainly mine, but have just discovered though a 3rd party that he's going out with her again.
The much shortened list of the many troubles that she's caused in brief:
Doing a runner to B'ham airport on Crimbo eve 2 years ago, (leaving her 2 young kids behind) with the intention of flying off to the States with just an Asda bag.
Got my son arrested for suspected theft when he snatched her bag containing her passport.
He then spends 4 days down there after she was sectioned into Hossy.
Double glazed window smashed, fag stubbed out on his front door, and his pick up truck rammed by her car....because he told her it was over 6 months ago.
I am NOT happy, but CANNOT interfere....unfortuantely.

I shall be seeing him later on this morning.